Monday 19 May 2008

Skinny plasma screens bend the rules

The Japanese engineer who invented plasma TVs has come up with a new wafer-thin version.

Tsutae Shinoda’s 125-inch screen is just 1mm thick and wraps around surfaces. At just 3.6 kg, it is a fraction of the weight of a normal plasma television. However, picture definition is still not that high. The screen boasts a resolution of only 960 x 360 pixels, but efforts are under way to improve these specs.Industry experts say the flexible new screens will be ideal for advertising.Meanwhile, Shinoda Plasma has plans to create a super thin 150-inch version.

Shinoda probably isn't a company you've heard of, but if its latest 125in plasma prototype is anything to go by, we're going to be hearing a lot more about its products. Take the latest offering, a 125in curved plasma TV with a mere 1mm thickness spotted by Japanese publication.

Unfortunately, at the moment the full display only boasts a 960 x 630 resolution made up of three panels in alignment and the prototype's quality is said to be in line with a 1999 or 2000 model, so there's a little work to be done. But, as a proof of concept and sign of potential sets to come, well, I think "wow" sums it up nicely.
President and Chairman Tsutae Shinoda commented that "there are already some users who want to purchase it given its current display performance". Shinoda also said that current performance is about 60 or 70 percent of its potential, meaning there is still plenty of room for improvement.
Continuing, Shinoda added that it's "considering forming alliances with two to three other manufacturers in Japan toward the commercialization of the display", which should lead to production products based on this prototype sometime in the not-too-distant future.

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