Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Plasma TV, Games Consoles Guzzle Power

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Think your energy bill is too high? Australian consumer agency Choice finds that plasma TV sets and game consoles slurp up astonishing amounts of power.

Australian consumer agency Choice took a look at the amount of power consumed by 16 common electronics devices, including notebook computers, stereo systems, DVD players, televisions and game consoles. And if you think you power bills are too high, you might want to look to your consumer electronics: the agency found that Sony's PlayStation 3 consumed the most power of the devices tested, followed closely by Microsoft's Xbox 360 and plasma televisions—even when idle and not in use. And the PS3 consumed 10 times the as much power as the NIntendo Wii.

The agency's tests found that leaving a PS3 on while not in use over a period of a year would cost about five times more than running a refrigerator for the same period.

Plasma televisions were also revealed to be energy hogs, consuming over four times as much power as a traditional CRT analog television set.

Among computers, the agency found that an Apple iMac—with a build-in LCD display—consumed about two-thirds as much power as a Windows-based PC without any display at all. The study found that the LCD displays in Apple iMacs user less than half the power of their CRT-based predecessors.

The agency recommends consumers turn off devices when not in use, either by putting them into standby mode or—better yet—turning them off at the wall. The agency also recommended upgrading from CRT monitors to LCD displays, recycling old computers, taking advantage of power-saving features in both the Windows and Mac OS operating systems, reusing and recycling ink cartridges, using rechargeable batteries, and reducing print waste by going paperless whenever possible.

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